Oh bad'amen do you have this?


O pátio das cantigas

Stupidity is an expendable woodworm.

I don't have that, but I have other things like that. From the brandy that softens the falls, from the perks of a country planted by the sea. Of electoral and prenuptial ignominy, of some profiteroles who were already marching if there were any! I love onions. From the onion, as an example for many things. For example, to justify stupidity. 

In a separate conversation, at the end, when you enter the dessert (for me, a coffee comes out), someone tells me that there is going to be a blackout. That I have to buy a lot of preserves, that we have few of these things, like EVERYTHING pickled, including fruit and so on. That the Arthurians are going to take the guys to the ships parked right above us (here in Guilhufe, Marecos, Penafiel, yes and also), that God is not coming to save anyone, because it is up to each one to save himself, that Trump is going to win the elections, that after that, everything will go downhill, that Obama and Jolie are blood brothers of Queen Elizabeth who recently left, and that they are truly reptilians, that the curses will start and that by the time we realize it will be too late,  that Nostradamus was a wizard of the evil lines,  That the devil came on all fours at the hands of the Vatican to make those who were at peace hell, that the chip like this and that heaven baked! Since I'm on a diet, I prefer the boiled ones!

Yes, yes! I remember the onion in this part, that stupidity is an onion that, while it's whole, no one realizes smells bad, that you take the first layer off of it, It starts to smell worse than when you remove the other layers or the salad parts, and you either season it with lemon and olive oil or it stinks! That yes, stupidity thickens and if you think you don't, consume everything on the networks and then don't complain about being chéchés.

The people who are more there than here believe in all these bodegadas, but they don't believe in God, they don't believe that He is God, they don't believe in His infinite power of manifestation and fulfillment! He doesn't believe in the good things, only the bad, as he already has one foot more there than here, he prefers sangria to flowers. And because they don't believe, they go to church to eat the host and practice all kinds of iniquities, including being negative and promoting shit by the spoonful! So the fucking effect of of mirror that is like cotton, it never deceives!

And I, who am a born optimist, more optimistic than from Belém, tell you that I am much more revolted by the rocket and I believe much more in the harms of these "things in the air" damaging the air we breathe (so much smear to add to the dust and sand that comes from Africa), noise pollution harmful to animals,  that I believe in stupidity and demonstrate it in words, so that we can eradicate it.  It's just that I'm not one of those who raised my children to live in a world of woe jesus and oh my god with the blunders I make, only if I can't help it!  Against wickedness and negativity, against unconsciousness and apathy, against human retrogressions and fascism, march, march. And believe me, I know very well how to roll up my sleeves and bulge, but for this begging of the set of onions full of weevil, they don't catch me! Down with mothballs! I opened the windows wide so that the pollen would mingle with the fetid ideas that spread, as well as the rumours of my private life! I will tear down your walls of stupidity until there is not a single "if" left in your mouth! I'm an optimist, but I'm glad I have this bad temper that protects me from all your evil deeds and it's like saying, Without needing to say: that is why we have the world this way, because the ears become pregnant with so much evil! And your morbid obesity infects the kids! Save them from your promiscuous and gross nonsense!

Oh clumsy creatures, culture is not segregated these days, it's free, if you had to pay for it, I would understand that they would spread the lack! Put an end to the cult of the quilt and open your eyelashes! God in you is angry with so much self-denial! Tell me what I write to you: When Malamén arrives, neither ships nor Nostradamus will rescue you! Either they cultivate themselves and see farther or, I am already like what you parrot in churches, temples and the like, deliver us, father, from all these malamen! Yes, today is Sunday in the world, spring is the most fertile of all seasons and Campanhã will never be sold! It's officially mortgaged, with my name underneath! Up and down, the season of the skunks is open! And now yes, I finish my coffee (Maria is washing the dishes), light a cigarette, regurgitate something else and a burp comes out of my mouth! Digestion has begun! Bring on the apocalypses in pairs! I'm all over it!  (Sorry, icks, I meant eclipses)...


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