Trying is the opposite of letting go

"I confess, I still get scared sometimes. But perfect Love comes rushing in. And all the lies that scream inside go silent the moment You begin.

 "The truth is you can't try to let go. Trying is the opposite of letting go. To let go is to relinquish trying. To let go, is much more like to let be."

This profound statement holds a deep wisdom that can resonate with anyone who has experienced the struggle of holding on to something or someone.
Often, we find ourselves caught in the web of attachment, clinging tightly to our desires, fears, or expectations. We may try with all our might to let go, to release the grip that binds us, but it is in this very act of trying that we perpetuate our own suffering.
Letting go is not about force or effort; it is about surrendering to the flow of life, accepting things as they are, and allowing them to be. It is a state of non-resistance, where we embrace the present moment and free ourselves from the burden of control.
To let go is to trust in the natural unfolding of existence, to have faith that everything happens for a reason, and to release the need to manipulate or manipulate outcomes.
It is a profound act of self-love and self-compassion, where we acknowledge that we cannot control everything and that it is okay to let things be as they are. Letting go is not a passive act; it is an active choice to release the attachments that bind us, to surrender our ego's need for control, and to open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities that life has to offer.
It is a journey of inner transformation, where we learn to detach ourselves from the external circumstances and find peace within.
So, let us heed the wisdom of Adyashanti and embrace the power of letting go, for in surrendering our trying, we can truly find freedom and liberation."


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