Al Qabri Ramos
Late Waiver Monologue
We run in hope of eternal light
What We Had in Mind: Unconditional Love
who pleads for innocence and demands
magic beyond despair.
Love ran from the heart to the lip,
to the routine, to the tiredness
and exhaustion,
After all, only the girl, the wolf,
The songs are eternal...
If only we could be eternal!
And I'm glad it wasn't!
And I call that evolution
And then fear stuck in my voice
and when I answered you
there were no more of us
The "we" was me and the fear,
side by side and you were trapped
in exacerbated vanity
Than you were and I was
on the edge of the abyss
Thou, leaning against Narcissus,
perverting word and deed
I preached forward, trembling,
in schisms of my own!
We could never be one (being two)
ambition couldn't be with you
and less forever.
And I thank you for this renunciation,
Belated, however, resignation