Laura de Jesus



Ebony skin in my hands, 

I kiss your hair and, still, 

as in a dream, prospective, and

Languidly I stretch 

in your eyes, unequal

Candlesticks in the dark night 

in which I undress myselfin 

which you cover me with your back,

 flanks of a stomach, of a bull 

and lips spread on my neck 

and these hands seek 

moisture and freshness in thy sex, 

the sign,

Frenzy that endorso

That all of you in flames 

and downstream of my madness 

penetrate me and love me, 

on the wall the profile

It depicts the two of them in one

and the fire of your mouth

groans in joy 

Breaking Up 


In the spiral cave

Up and down


I drag myself 


I arrest you

breathing, broken,


Kundalini and Pomegranate

Tomorrow doesn't matter

Now you're eternity

Flash, ocean without time

Flow rate and bed

Flows at the climax 

Of my body in celebration


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