Manuela Moura Guedes & Alma Novaes



I called your name
I don't know if a thousand,
If a million times
that time is
A consequence
or a debugger,
A painful bandage
and time-consuming,
a prop,
One detail,
A patience
or an urgency
that improves
Through the centuries
and soon you,
You always want to
You knew everything
You understood everything
And you all fell apart
to understand mechanisms
You should know that if love is blind, 
it is deaf-mute and perhaps ignorant.
 It's a made-up thing, fuel, fuse, 
ignition of unemployed people. 
Explain it to me, scientist, 
because you came in and stayed, 
because you broke out 
and you didn't evaporate such as carbon, 
H2O, petroleum, oil, alcohol, 
dynamite, anger and conformism. 
Why have you left a tattoo inside? 
Why did you stay 
and think about remaining?
If it's all invention or exaggeration, 
obstinacy obsessive, me? 
The Black Tourmaline 
that I've been keeping 
for two years in the linen bag, 
with two knots tied 
During the day
 In the heart that loves you 
hugged by bra strap 
and overnight in the pelvis, 
next to dry sex, 
Secured by the elastic of the panties 
to the womb from which they stole me 
The Kundalini, 
when I lost you 
And from prayer to prayer 
From hope to hope
I'm holding on like Araldite
My faith in you
crazy, wanton and crazy?
Well, fractured
And my dear, intact 
The love that keeps you mast
Around my eyes
in a sky of changing stars,
you are fixed star, 
around the mouth 
Safe by divine decision
fractured, but whole
In the passion that still illuminates
The shape of your name
The inconsequential way
of the love that 
It's written destiny
to rewrite wick, 
glow, fire, wing,
decade, whole life, 
heat and cold,
River and sea, all inside, 
you drawn immaculate,
intact, my dear, 
and me, as an architect
I rectify and realign agape
Caduceus and Mine
that I protect in this mouth 
Who still draws
which still projects 
obsolete meta
Your name is home
Where do I protect myself
mistress of your castle,
I protect myself
Saved from the cruel outcome
Of those who wish us harm
From all the enemy gall
fractured, but still tourmaline
fractured, but still whole,
Me, Cristina
and if it is not too much to ask,
An excerpt of mescaline
To forget you all at once
cause, trauma, suffering,
suffering, ointment,
Deadly dose
of this immense love
so that all good ends
That translates badly
That I kept from other lives.
that I forgot among the 
My Hemispheres 
temporal and limbic
yours as always. 
And when I claim peace,
This war is coming
which they call saudade
And when I shut up
so much more screaming 
inside the chest
like a castaway, 
a syndicate. 
Yes, fractured.


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