Laura de Jesus

The pains of the mothers of the world

What do you think there is
in a mother's gaze if not pain?
That son and his helpless sadness
weigh on her heart,
She weeps for him,
for the Virgin Mary,
asking only that she exist.
That protects him.

What do you think there is
in a mother's eyes if not pride?
She shouts in the smiles to
her relatives and friends that that being,
So worthy is yours, so yours, so great.
Weeping, moved, she thanks
the Virgin Mary that she exists.
That protects him.

What do you think there is 
in a mother's gaze if not tolerance? 
She tears herself inside 
when she feels that the principles 
she thought were well conveyed
They are nothing more than 
with their eyes closed on the child 
who grows up and runs away from them. 
And she cries desperately, 
begging the virgin Mary to exist. 
That protects him. 

What do you think there is 
in a mother's gaze if not love? 
Enraptured by everyday life, 
her son grows up with kisses 
and hot soups and gives her 
grandchildren who add 
to their cares, loves and work. 
And she accepts and gives thanks 
and asks and prays and weeps gratefully, 
asking the Virgin Mary to exist. 
Protect them. 

(to my mother who is the mother of all, 
although she does not ask the virgin Mary 
because she does not know how to do it 
and believes herself too small to speak 
to the deities of whom she was made.)


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