Rehearsal of the fear that has given birth to us
After Jesus drove the merchants out of the temple, they crucified him. After crucifying him, the same merchants took over the temple to this day.
What does this mean? That they saw the great business that existed within, that they could gain from the faith of others, that they could even subjugate others, that they could become intermediaries, profiting abundantly from it. And they did. And they still do today.
The temple remains a metaphor. Because it is inside everyone, each one of us, but the peddlers have started to sell the biased information of the holy book, in order to gain from their distortions. And they succeeded. Today they are called the Vatican and they have perks and goods, being above the mortals who carry God in their chests. And we all know that they have achieved this by spreading fear. And along with the Catholic Church, all the others followed in their wake.
Fear creates monsters even in the inner temples of each one, fear is the favorite friend of dictators, fascists, psychopaths, fear has managed to crave power and distributed abuses among the masses. The masses tend to believe in the shortcuts fabricated by those who use fear as a tool for ascension in life. There are fears manufactured in isolation, as a way of maintaining unhealthy states. The individual who is inhabited by fear, fears everything and is easily persuaded to act according to the what fear brings you.
There are several temple hawkers, both inside and outside the temples. This is how pedophilia was born. So is prostitution. So do the churches. The hawkers are entrepreneurial, they manufacture ways to exploit the masses, individually and in groups. Faith has never been sicker. And not even the fear was as strong as it is today. We teach our children through the fear that is propagated. You can't want to be, you shouldn't do it, you can't dream, you can't risk it. We live in an atavistic system, without considering getting out of the box where we have been shelved. The temple peddlers propagate lies and sell them at cost. Justice is atavistic, controlled by the secretaries and doctors of fear. But it is not only justice that, you see, is blind, deaf and dumb, manipulated by its officials, from the lowest to the highest rank. The whole world is silent about the excesses of despots. Fear works for them. It boosts them. And they count on our silence, with the consent of apathy. With the consequences of their doctrines. They feel powerful. They are powerful. Because we give them our personal power, because we invest in them our own power to say no. We keep the no's for our children, for those we love, but we don't say no to the institutions that manipulate, that circumscribe our limits.
They sell us their lies as if they were incontrovertible truths. Many of us know that these are deep-rooted, archaic, unreasonable lies. But we continue to allow them to do so because we are cowards, asleep, on a predictable course foreseen by them. The cult of fear has conquered societies that only contest it at home, within the conscience, but there are also those who do not contest anything, those who let themselves go, like civilizational robots, like slaves of the Middle Ages, silent, humiliated, bought at the price of soup, at the price of diseases, of a laissez faire, laissez passez.
Fear has settled comfortably in the seat of the country, of the city, of the village, of the place, and spreads through the waves of want, can and command. Fear is a happy construction of the masters who gain from it. And like pedophilia, it's contagious. The pedophile abuses the child. The child will grow up between the struggle of conscience and the shame of inner humiliation. There will be a moment at the end of this struggle, the moment of catharsis when either fear or the opposite of fear wins. If it's fear, that once abused child will abuse it. It doesn't matter in what form. And if he doesn't have the opportunity to do so, he's going to suffer and get sick because he can't overcome what lives in him, what inhabits him, what disconcerts him. We know that from the abused child, either a pedophile or a sick human will be born. We continue to use the blindfold of justice that allows us to pretend that these processes are not like that. In politics, it's similar.
The politician is subjected and his ideals to forms of corruption. If you fight them and they win their values, we say that we have a politician concerned with defending the interests of the class he defends, if his values are corrupted and replaced by the values of others, we have a friend of fear, a class of fear growing.
Politics is the stepping stone to the throne of fear and injustice. Through politics, we can change realities. Through power and consensus, we have the ability to transform the social fabric, to bring equity and make it extendable to other levels. We do not do so as long as we are corrupted by the fears that we are active collaborators.
Minorities are pressured by various fears, the fear of not fitting in, the fear of exclusion, the fear of persecution, the fear of breathing, the fear of losing their job, the fear of being abused. Minorities have a greater power than majorities, which is the power to dare to step out of the box, to challenge its truth, not to attribute their power to those of the majority. I like minorities.
In fact, I like to be, to exercise my capacity to be, to fight for this truth of the I am. I don't want to continue to be part of the mass of the majority. Our children need not to be afraid. Our children need role models. From our example. To see and be free and hard-working citizens of their country, of their community, of dreaming and making dreams come true, dreams do not survive fear, on the contrary, they need values, courage, boldness, frankness, truth, faith. Of new blood, of human ideals and of justice and of health and education and of multiplicities and the absence of limits, of active participation, of commitments.
The new earth needs a breath of fresh air, to exterminate the old beliefs, the malignity, the erratic anecdotes that brought us here. Fear needs to be dismissed, put against the wall, looked at, interrogated. Fear must die. Fear is anachronistic. Dismiss fear and you will transform the world.