Time has always been a useful invention of the matrix. It serves "God and the Devil." It doesn't exist. Or, on the other hand, it exists, serving all illusions and serving all masters of illusions. That's us.
When we look at the world around us, it's impossible to believe that we've failed so far. On the crucial. And in the accessory. What was being built on top of this old dogma of the clock that enslaves, segmenting our lives, crossing each other in the imposition of limits and arbitrating the priorities of one and the other. We are living in that regime. Cronos has made us domesticated by its negative side.
That of the imposition of dogmas. We are docile in accepting the ideas and regimes of others. We value the feasts and calendared movable holy dates that make up such a regime, as if our lives depended on it. We schedule vacations, we go forward and backward clocks. We just can't change the seasons yet or we would have already done it (don't worry, many have already invented machines to produce snow and rain, sun and fire and who knows, even gold, without ever suggesting the greatest probability of massive destruction of all). The nuclear age has long since begun. Never forget the inventions created and used on the reverse side of our sovereignty. That negative part of us is a rope that comes from the beginning of time imposing itself on life, as soon as it begins, the beginning, to catalogue sex, breath and the suppressed woes of our expectations and limitations. Man has always tried to manipulate this rope of time to quiet masses of people, to replace Gaia, in a vain attempt to deify himself. We are all Gods and everything we harvest is part of the collective, our actions are imbued with each other, as if we were puzzle pieces that we will fit into the great game of human life. If, on the one hand, we are able to build foundations, for future generations to find a way to develop, on the evolutionary path, great, if, on the other hand, we are creating the monster to decimate those who come, organize the ideas. Whatever we sow, we will reap later, if not us, our descendants. The collective is a dangerous mass because it can be molded, influenced, and voluntarily dispossessed in exchange for very little. A vacation in the Pacific, a better job, a promotion, a brand, a house in the mountains, a world cruise, it's all about the consumable and the easy appearance of an apotheosis destination. Have. The apotheosis is mediatic, it is colorblind and biased. Do not forget, however, other higher values rise up in the offspring of the whole. The Almighty of others takes advantage of our disorientation and unconsciousness, organized and governed by interests, especially economic and political, uses its master influence to defend, disseminate and include dynamics where it safeguards its skin. They are lobbies uninterested in the Whole, and particularize their successes in their navel and in the navels of those close to them whom they can call their own (their relatives, friends, employees, slaves, targets and of course, their dear offshore), and if anyone believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, great for them. So they resell their golden eggs from an increasingly decrepit hen. It suits these "owners of power" to believe in all this, to believe that you have no power. You are the chosen target, the weakest link, they gain strength in these old beliefs that are so useful to produce the raw material of their glory days, of our misfortunes. Dismantle beliefs, take folk wisdom and follow it until you convert it into individual elements, think, use the brain you have been given and make your choices based on your ideas. Don't sell yourselves. Do not become clones of apathy and frivolity. In the land of the blind, he who has an eye is king, to paraphrase a particle of immense popular wisdom. José Saramago said the same in his essay on blindness. And Plato, in the allegory of the Cave. Serve the masters of capital, be obedient, cold, calculating, self-centered and disposable. And blind, of course. Especially blind people. All those who deprive themselves of the use of their power by ceding it to another, no matter if it is a political party, a trade union, an institution, a religion or sect, a communist, fascist or socialist agglomeration are contributing to the continuation of these inhumane policies. Democracy does not exist, although it has come to serve the majority, against the extremes of the right and the left, against intolerance and xenophobia, against immigration and widespread poverty.
There are several truths extracted in the societies we know through history and several stories that intersect until we conceive it as a way of learning lessons to extirpate human errors. And we keep repeating cycles, as if we had never been there. Doing the same, age after age, generation after generation. Déjà vus are, apparently, more than a buzzword and are only beautiful because you don't build an effective critique to muzzle the less good meaning of them. The old history has not been of much use to us, and we have never been so ignorant as we are now. Everything is accessible to us, knowledge is unlimited, and yet experiences are rendered useless, or are we the ones who allow ourselves to be reduced to a microscale of stupidity, so opposed to the power we have to transform the world?
The world is there, old and new, beautiful and terrifying, in eternal dichotomies. I wonder why we fail in our choices, why we surrender our ability to create to servitude, to blind obedience, why we don't teach our children from an early age to be interveners and citizens of a world that they will inherit, why we don't instruct them of our mistakes and the consequences so that they can avoid them? Are they faulty acts on our part? Is there, unconsciously, a conductor who sends us mistakes so that we can correct them? Why do we want them to fulfill our dreams, if we excuse ourselves in building them? Why should they be the ones to pay for our bad choices? Why do we continue to bring children into a world where we will only give them the garbage of our stupidity, manufactured with the refinements of willful ignorance? Why don't we control the birth rate if we are all going to die? Is there any homicidal allure in the perpetuation of the species if it is to deliver to our loved ones a planet destined for violence and destruction? What the fuck is it in our brains that making love is so good, but killing wins? We are here picking up rubbish, we understand the rubbish produced by ignorance, but we cannot accept that it should continue and that it should continue! Oh and all, let's recycle the planet, come the next one while it implodes? There are no innocents except the children, except the animals, except the vegetables and minerals, and don't with me, we are responsible for everyone! This is not what we came into the world for! Any child comes to this conclusion. What contagious idiocy is this?
As long as they don't do the self-criticism, the mirror, my mirror, the test-error/hit don't get there.
Our grandparents' generation was a generation of world war, they knew it, not because they were in it as effective, but because of the somewhat scarce and, it must be said, unreliable dissemination of information, and, on the other hand, because of the consequences arising from it. Collective starvation, mass death, diseases linked to the collective unconscious, linked to the ecological and geographical environment, etc. In fact, my grandparents went through two major wars, between the first and second (the world wars) and several others, smaller, but which have always been part of our history as humanity. Kickers. They have learned lessons that are already in our DNA, but not so that we can continue to distort realities. These are different times. Hunger was a constant, the loss of rights ditto, the struggles for better labour rights, for better living conditions, for equal opportunities, for health, for freedom of expression, and to them we owe the fact that we can express ourselves without being tortured in the hidden dungeons of the usurpation of power, hunger is an "idiosyncratic and punctual sample of a minority" hidden by the national channels of each country, ostracized, because it is a disgrace, we can imagine this of all minorities. Don't be fooled. Hunger is visible in every country, all over the world. Justifying this is the premise that a slice of ten percent of the world's population holds ninety percent of the available wealth. While ninety percent of the world's population owns only ten percent of the world's wealth! It's just a matter of doing the math, nothing complicated as equations and trigonometry seem to be, or the sum of the leg and the hypotenuse. Here we come, to this mathematics of scarcity by stupidity. By depriving us of our power to the detriment of those who are more skilled in individual and family group mathematics. And we will dismantle all of this, in the same way that we mistakenly attribute our power to others. By becoming active citizens, by advocating for a fairer society, by making ourselves the prime minister of our brain. Because it all comes from this wonderful tool that has been delivered by the source to everyone. We have to dismantle the belief system. Because everything is based on them. In the flawed acts that we add up and stupidly repeat. And what are these flawed acts, if not the collective memory imposing itself on the individual reality of each one? We know where current progress is leading us. The erroneous idea of the third world war, the infamous apocalypse, the signs and symptoms of a planet that groans, geographically speaking, with the climate crisis, the ozone hole, the volcanic eruptions, the earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes and nuclear accidents that have existed since 1938 (the Second World War was ongoing) are talked about and normalized, the scientist Robert Oppenheimer developed this bomb and the world felt this evolution through history in the war of the Germans of Nazism against Europe (and as a consequence, the USA, through Einstein) to lead us to the path of Peace; old Europe suffered all this and many could feel the fateful results of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which do not bode well for us. Progress must be a justice between our best interests and the balance of the planet. Along with hunger, the same is true analyze about death. Grief (especially mass bereavement) produces a variety of psychological and emotional illnesses. It does so on an individual basis, but the results can best be read at the level of larger groups. Physical illnesses coexist with us and are multiplied by the large pharmaceutical groups of chemists who postpone the cure in order to maintain the treatment. The tick that serves to pay for college for the doctor's children. This is a belief that serves individually and as a group. Health is a business, death is a business, life is a business, hunger is a business, war is perhaps the greatest of all. And in the name of peace, wars are waged all the time. As they did in the vulgarization of Christianity and its use for the peddlers of the time who go through human epics. We are not prepared to face these problems and find solutions until we read history, until we correct what has already been fatal and wrong for the generations that have gone before us.
We continue to venerate the villains and judge them with our fingers, not our inertia. We are not innocent. Because we are silent. Because we allow all kinds of incongruities and malignancies. Our silence commits us all. Our obedience is blind, as if we surrendered to a god of football or prostitution. Make no mistake. They sell themselves to fear and apparent vanity. God is not the old man with the white beard who comes to save us. God is a concept designed to make us grow in faith and in the hope of working our best, of intervening in the destiny of the planet, of perfecting ourselves and contributing to the improvement of the social, political, economic, geographical, biological fabrics, etc. Don't wait for Don Sebastian. He was a god while he was here, and probably now, he's too busy through his divinity with some other avatar. We are our own God and we are also the devil. We inhabit a planet that calls itself humanity deprived of its real value, in exchange for clothes facilitated by shortcuts that turn out to be terrifying. Free will is your best app, there is none that can reach its value. Why don't they use it? Why do we continue on this path of destruction!? Do you not see that someone is choosing your life, for you, in exchange for illusory security and that you will realize that it is your prison after all? If we were to commit ourselves to our alliances, our commitments, marriages, life missions, passions, etc., as we engage in wars and quarrels, we would live more balanced, less sick, more satisfied, more centered and focused on the whole. What distances us from it if not ourselves?
Illusions are just that, temporary, factual and gross errors. Read the history of mankind. Read the labels of what we eat, read the images of terror that we see on TV and broadcast by the mass media, read anything and everything before you roll up your sleeves. When will you wake up from this great dream of the savior of the world?
God inhabits us, just as we inhabit this planet. We are all extraterrestrials in someone's world, someone else's, when we don't even try to understand the collective in the individual figure of the other. Why is empathy so hard to understand? To build it and to build it as a guarantee of the continuity of this planet in the now? Do you not have children? Friends? God dwells in you from the moment you are born. At the heart is his temple. Not overseas. This or that religion.
We are responsible for our lives, individually. If we don't choose our path wisely and empathetically, if we don't do it based on our free will, others will. This is all that we have to make known to our children. Of truth and illusion, of the easy and the edifying. A lie propagated and told a thousand times becomes the truth. Do you want to build the truth of others and resign from yours? This is what the harvest is, to analyze what is wheat and what is tares. Beliefs are pieces of historical wrongs that have not found the right right. And who repeat it to the unspeakable. We all have this divine particle that makes us turn the key to alter the current course. Israel cannot shrink the world, nor can Gaza shrink itself to fit the clichés. Russia cannot continue to drain Ukraine's breadbaskets, nor can Ukraine continue to feed itself, as a feeble needy of the spoils of income that would serve to eliminate hunger in the world, nor can the Vatican continue to enjoy the immense patrimony and the constant evasion of taxes in the name of God. Mistakes perpetuate themselves powerfully and feed on fear. Only love builds. What you have done best in the world is to love yourself and others. Not in pet anger at one's neighbor, not in hatred, not even in envy or intrigue, not in lying and usurpation. The middle way is for those who choose to intervene in order to build. It turns out that the middle way is not built in planetary destruction, in the physical waste of countries, nor is it possible to raise positivism through rottenness. Don't let yourselves fit in. Use your brain. Choose new destinations for Gaia. Artificial intelligence is dual. Like everything. Use it in a creative way to sow humanity and defeat those old people of the restelo who want to keep everything the same, in the more of the same that destroys us. Don't feed the warlords, or the slave lords, the eight-hour day, the easy carrot in front of the donkey. Don't be stupid, man! You have come with a brain that can contribute to the whole. Let's use our time, this climber, to our advantage as long as we can, before someone puts their finger on the button and implodes the blood of far more than one hundred and forty-four thousand chosen ones. Choose the route. Peace. The Truth. Justice. Equity. Empathy. Tolerance. The Progress of Humanity. These are my Gods. This is my middle way. These are my choices. I am available to work on this construction. I'm not alone. Spread positivism. Grow empathy. Get her pregnant. I believe in the following generations. I believe I came to destroy beliefs. To bring light. To add up. I choose to use my free will as a citizen of this world to shake up the old structures. And if I believe, why not you? And peace can be built on peacefulness. If you are told otherwise, show how the silence of your presence can be annoying. You have power. The power to transform. Do not let yourselves fall asleep, nor allow your dreams to dwindle to contribute to their offshore. We are not in the Middle Ages. Use your free will in the now time.Wake up, man!
Omnia Unus Est