So they don't say i didn't talk about seeds


A few days ago, I crossed out a chronicle about my dog and her puppies. That nine were born. That two had left for Baião, one male and one female, and that I kept seven with me. Believing it was four males and three females.

There are six males.  Available for adoption. Here is the correction. 

As for the rest, the 25th of April in this country, I know nothing, except that they must be celebrating it all over the country, especially the political class, so prodigal in listing freedom and compromising it, proclaiming fraternity and "exclusiving" it to their friends, selling the equality that they do not want to be extended, because it compromises their political plans.  on their agendas. 

We all know that we have a committed political class all over the world, but if we base ourselves on this small peaceful country, planted by the sea, we realize that the corruption that exists here is the significant example, even if insignificant on a world scale, that the fascists use April 25 as opportunism for their social escalation and to repechage votes from disgruntled voters from all wings, from the liberal to the most orthodox, whether they go left or right. Growing populism is a bad, distorted seed, like a weed in the process of transparent democracies. Fools are deceived by cakes, and this is notorious, visible and too predictable for them not to see. 

Corruption soap operas sell magazines and newspapers like bread and butter on winter days, from the parties with less representation to the altar of the republic, of a lack of virtuosity and a lack of sense of state. I am ashamed of this strain of hawkers who have no shame about the lack of commitment and responsibility in leading and governing the nation. In 2014, Eduardo Lourenço said, ideologies of the lord aside, of a people that did not govern and did not allow itself to be governed. Passos took the opportunity to list it, but we know well what this gentleman's policy tastes like, we know how they boil from the inside and that they protect each other from a militarism and cooperativism that transcends shamelessness. And the socialist alternative defeated and mortgaged the hope of the Portuguese. And most of them are also predictable. And they sing and dance the 25th of April without thinking about the solutions for a country whose people wind them up, so that this political class hangs us all. 

I am the great-granddaughter of an upright and dignified communist, the granddaughter of a socialist communist and the daughter of a socialist who died in April, on the eve of seeing the drift that would give birth to his struggle for a progressive society, with values that were already born in France, in the so-called triangulation of liberty, fraternity and equality. We sell ideals for very little, we people, so that the academics of the word and the trades of plunder can defend their positions and make the political career the art of legal plunder.

I am dissatisfied with these sowing crops and for all this, I cling to these new generations, I believe that these future generations can still make us people of value, of ideals and of responsible work, so that the flame of dignity and evolution is not extinguished, so that the continuity of this banditry in the open is not propagated.

Let us be ashamed, let us have courage, let us reflect on the destiny of a country that has all the conditions to be an example of success in such a triangulation of values. Let us make April again, let us clear the fields of grief and lack of coherence, and till with new seeds all over again. Let us stop hypocrisy that gets us nowhere except the masters to whom we have blindfolded power. Let us teach our children to be intervening, interested, participatory citizens who can build and honour the land that sees them born, without the need to emigrate because there is no work, without the need to be slaves in other lands overseas, to do the same as they do here and to earn three times as much. Eliminate the source of all evil. Do not allow the office of commitment and political responsibility to be handed over to those who want to make money, influence peddling, and other boasting that does not lead us to good harvests. 

From April in bloom, this bitter taste that remains. 

Let us choose the seeds of what we want to see flourish, let us not let others choose, let us not entrust our gold, let us not hand it over to scoundrels, to law firms looking after their own interests, to entrepreneurs of other people's capital and to "entrepreneurs" of the common good. To opportunists for other people's sake. With my coffee ending, with my hope withering, with my mouth vomiting from these celebrations on this holiday that is empty of content, that the boot does not match the perdigota and that we will regret if we leave the country to the wind. That the populist winds are raging in wild lands and forests. And then comes the oh my god! Democracy is not corruption. The democracy that is implicit in the 25th of April is not easy, it is not assured, it is not something that can be bought. You don't sell democracy, you don't sell ideals. They work on each other. They are taught. They are required in the social construction. That is what is needed, after all. 


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