Rewilding a forest


Title: Once Upon a Forest Created by: Campfire Stories Synopsis: Maria was a romantic, animal-loving, dreamy child who, growing up, had a hard time conforming to the demands associated with the trajectory towards "a normal life". As a young adult she became depressed, and was encouraged by her therapist to go for walks in the forest. The myriad of funny-looking twigs and sticks she found along the way immediately put her on a path to recovery. Now, 25 years later, she's a celebrated "twig poet" whose art is shown in galleries throughout Sweden. When a climate related crisis strikes the forest where she lives and works, she's forced into a new type of creativity in order to save the place that once upon a time saved her. Filmed in: Värmland, Sweden Featuring: Maria "Vildhjärta" Westerberg & Johannes Söderqvist ( and Martin Jentzen ( Produced, filmed and edited by: Mattias Olsson for Campfire Stories ( Sound mix: Boris Laible ( The films of the series "Something Beautiful for the World" explore how small acts of love and kindness have the potential to ripple out and change the world, touching hearts and minds in ways that we could never begin to imagine. We'll be sharing a total of 12 short films, from across five continents - releasing one per month for the whole year of 2024 - four from each filmmaker.


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