The Finger of God: Understanding Yods and Fateful Connections
Understanding an Yod, exemplifyed by Christopher and my analysis of my own map.
On my case, i do have two yods, yelling to aries, as the top of my sky chart can show. The quinckoncious is an inconjunction by a several ways dictated by total different energies at some level, of not corroborating ideals or causes about the same or the same (simillarity) adjectifs being evaluated, at some level. Both of Yods are pointing Aries as the main theme. And one third inconjunction to Neptune, on my fifth house, rulled also by mars and pluto, implicated on the other inconjunction, as the picture showned below.
The first Yod i can clearly see is the one pointing Saturn on my tenth house, at 26th degree, and i'm confining this evaluation to this tropical zodiac evaluation chart. The second Yod is pointing my north node, which on tropical is in Aries, right next to my Chiron centurion at 4rd degree of Aries, and to Vedic astrology it will be both in Piscis. The "almost" third inconjunction is pointing Neptune (the fifth) from my 12th house, which can be read as the things i can not see coming, occult enemies, akashic records and the dissolved and unsolved. The ending of the journey is also the 12th, hospitals, prisions or the isolation from others, where i do have my moon, which, and again, to vedic it can be seen in taurus constellation, more specific in rohini nakshatra.
On the main Yod i would say it can be read by me as a pattern, repeated one, or a fateful connection. The carmic lessons we must have to fullfill, that is. And because the hypothetical second yod i see being draw also on aries house, it confirms the fateful issue. And the 13th degree on Sabian Symbols of Aries to this point is:
This Symbol shows that explosive elements need discharging. Pressure cooker energy needs to be released, but it often needs to be done slowly and carefully. By keeping a sense of control, one can handle wild situations, elements or people without things getting out of hand. Be an example to others of how calmness and quiet can take the charge out of things. Take whatever opportunities you can to defuse elements as an explosion often damages more than is expected. You may have to hide something away so things don’t get crazy, but with some careful thought, all should be well.Tantrums and frustrations. Rash emotional actions and decisions. Intelligence organizations. Valuable lessons of self restraint. Simmering tempers. Defusing situations.
Suppressing stress or illness that others may think inappropriate and thinking that a secret is safe. Repressing one’s emotions. Undefined anger.
It makes me all the sense.
The second half of the inconjunction is Saturn which 26th degree of sabian symbols can be read as:
This Symbol often shows someone who has more talent, more possessions, more gifts than most other people. Perhaps too much is demanded or expected of you or you expect life to give you more and more and more. Recognize that you are surrounded by abundance, but perhaps you are unable to experience it all at once. If you don’t feel you have the ability to cope with all that life throws at you then look in your ‘storehouse’ and you could be surprised at talents you have that have never even been used. You may have to give up some things in order to make room for others.
Potentiality. Obsessions about ‘having things’ or achieving goals. Counting ones blessings. A jack of all trades. Having to drop things because you can’t contain them.
Not focusing on one issue at a time, or ideas of real worth, and not really achieving anything. Inability to gain or contain everything. Unrestrained ambitions.
This Symbol often shows someone who has more talent, more possessions, more gifts than most other people. Perhaps too much is demanded or expected of you or you expect life to give you more and more and more. Recognize that you are surrounded by abundance, but perhaps you are unable to experience it all at once. If you don’t feel you have the ability to cope with all that life throws at you then look in your ‘storehouse’ and you could be surprised at talents you have that have never even been used. You may have to give up some things in order to make room for others.
Potentiality. Obsessions about ‘having things’ or achieving goals. Counting ones blessings. A jack of all trades. Having to drop things because you can’t contain them.
Not focusing on one issue at a time, or ideas of real worth, and not really achieving anything. Inability to gain or contain everything. Unrestrained ambitions.
The sextille between virgo and scorpio, (Virgo my 3rd house and scorpio my 5th) demands to search the sabian symbols to analyse which do they reveal, as a way to the inner truth, no matter if it's metaphoric or on pratical level. So, my Pluto is on 21st degree of virgo, as well as uranus, at 27th degree of my also 3rd house, and Neptune is at my 5th house at 24th degree of scorpio.
The sabian symbols to Neptune is:
This implies having a message or the voice that others flock to in order to listen. Whether you are the “One Inspired Person”, or someone in the audience, you may feel that you have had some wonderful realizations after hearing inspired messages, from within yourself or from an external source, and now you need to bring these lessons or understandings down to an everyday level in order to integrate them into everyday life. People will have different responses to the messages given. Not all will be responsive, but the message will resonate with those that are meant to hear it. What will be done with this information and how far will it spread?Power to sway the feelings and thoughts. Having a large audience. Holding the floor. Gurus. Lectures, talks. Best sellers. Tapes recordings. The Jesus story. Idolatry. Presidents.
Naiveté, gullibility. Believing someone else holds all the answers. Non stop talking. Wanting everyone to listen regardless of their input or needs. Demanding centre stage.
To 21st degree of Pluto's:
This Symbol implies joining with others and working as a team to achieve common aspirations. You may be into doing things by yourself, but you’ll still have interactions with others who will mould how you do things and how you’ll perform. There is a need to cooperate and play by the rules of the game to achieve your goals. Friends and those with similar interests will be able to join with you to achieve a mutually desired end. Are people hogging the ball, not passing it on to others? If so, that won’t secure a ‘win’ for you or for the team. How would a referee call that?The give and take of teamwork. Everyone getting the ball and to play the game. Joyful participation. Fast footwork. Winning and losing. Coaching and practice. Uniforms.
Competing on the same level without regard for differences. Not playing by the rules or cooperating with others. Bitchiness and rivalry. Stars who hog the limelight.
And last but not the least, 27th degree in Virgo of my Uranus is:
This Symbol speaks of spending time with others in a setting of privilege in order to take in refreshments and socialize and catch up. Regardless of age or what one’s drinking, gathering with like minded people is good for the soul and brings a sense of communion. There is no need to rush and facing situations with elegant composure brings the respect of others. However, keeping things looking ‘respectable’ may take on too much importance. The question arises: How real about life and each other are the people gathering together? Sharing your time with people who quietly know and understand each other brings peace of mind and happiness.
Quiet knowing atmosphere. Special privileges. Time off to relax. Appreciation of culture. Entertaining and having fun. Fine china. Bridge games. Silver cutlery. Gossip. Being in the club.
Social exclusivity and smugness. Idle gossip. Expecting others to do the hard grind. Loneliness. Mindless talk. Little to think about or do. Snobbery.
This Symbol speaks of spending time with others in a setting of privilege in order to take in refreshments and socialize and catch up. Regardless of age or what one’s drinking, gathering with like minded people is good for the soul and brings a sense of communion. There is no need to rush and facing situations with elegant composure brings the respect of others. However, keeping things looking ‘respectable’ may take on too much importance. The question arises: How real about life and each other are the people gathering together? Sharing your time with people who quietly know and understand each other brings peace of mind and happiness.
Quiet knowing atmosphere. Special privileges. Time off to relax. Appreciation of culture. Entertaining and having fun. Fine china. Bridge games. Silver cutlery. Gossip. Being in the club.
Social exclusivity and smugness. Idle gossip. Expecting others to do the hard grind. Loneliness. Mindless talk. Little to think about or do. Snobbery.
For the sextille between Virgo and Scorpio, i must say that both of the transpersonal planets, Uranus, Pluto and even Neptune are corroborating to the fateful connection of this era. We are achieving a new level of counciousness and we must unify forces to unite (pardon me the redundancy of the words) the weakness's we do have and transmute them to power and force to the collective. That's my summarized way of reading it. And i'm not an astrologer, just an curious mind. But if it counts, more then the analysis, the deep intuition, i must say i'm still allive to be in this moment we called now. And i feel i have always waited to this fatefull moment in our lives to see happening and to be part of a larger event, sucession of them, being faithfull with my intuition. And my nar death experienced at twelve confirms me that. I'll wait to see God's finger working in our lifes.