We were born and forgot everything back then. Even though we remember, in thick fog, where we came from. And, consequently, where we are headed. It's all part of the wonder. Of the wonder of being born on earth, on a planet in constant mutation. 

Unlike my brother, who was three years younger than me, I remember, not only in the womb, but the first years of birth. And it seems to be curious to many, but it never was to me. Hence my surprise that, in most of the people with whom I have interacted, they do not keep old memories, the first ones. Perhaps because those who remember them need to understand why everything is happening and for what purpose. Hence understanding that pain is the greatest ladder, the access bridge to empathy. Pain is liquid gold that comes from the fire of the essence when it materializes. We are born from that spark of fire, from a spark, but from a sperm that finds its way to ovulation in the uterus available for that purpose. That is the materialization. Love materializes. It is, therefore, the vehicle of corporeality here, on this plane. The body and the body. Two bodies that unite and materialize the affinity body. It would be foolish to say that we all come from love on this plane. That is not the case. Not in the way we understand love and its potential for creation.  Conception is the biological and genetic process that precedes and justifies the materialization of love. There are those who have come through rape, which is violence, that is, the antithesis of love. The reverse of it. And also those who are born in an articulated and programmed way by the sciences, make it the case of the in vitro, the fruits of mothers who, for whatever reason, were unable to get pregnant in a natural way. Be that as it may, we are all born from the spark, from the creative momentus between the egg and the sperm. We all bring purpose. And all the experiences that result from the materialization between man and woman, between science and the female womb, come to us with purpose. The font has purpose. That of evolution. And yes, life is a game of leisure and power, of confrontations and plenitudes. 

I write this text so that you can understand, from my perspective, as many as you do not accept or do not see creation in the same way that I am able to understand. In the uterine canal, the fetus and the pregnant woman are intrinsically united and the process between them is so intrinsic that when we meet a pregnant woman, if we ask her who she is, she will say: I am the mother of the baby I carry in the womb, even if it is unnamed. I'm pregnant. I am a pregnant woman, I am a being who awaits other parts of me, but I am complete. Whole. That is, if, for whatever reason, the pregnant woman had to choose between her life or that of her baby, she would no longer consider the possibility of being herself, without the other, the one who carries and who already brings an identity to the world, even if she has no name. It already brings an affiliation, an internal mission device. A life that crosses, interposes, interleaves, adds to what already exists. And this fetus, when exposed daily to trauma processes, will be born, carrying this trauma, even though it is all unconscious. I say unconscious because the baby, when born, does not verbalize its pain and anguish. Only when the child is structured in verbalization, can he remember and verbalize, if this is the case. Many traumas are stored in the unconscious because they produce immense pain. Internal conflict. Confusion. Traumas can lead to a division of personality and to so many other disorders that do not need a name or a diagnosis to identify themselves as elements of aggression towards the being that carries them. But they are already inputs of how we will live the future of our existence. When we experience an intrauterine process, if we knew how to verbalize it, we would probably do it voluntarily. And when we access these memories, we often want to believe that they are dreams that were born to us without explanation, or that factors that are justified in previous lives, but that are linked, intimately linked to an anguish. We call them unidentified matter, which would be, in the light of contemporary knowledge (and ignorance that we still have), as we call UFOs, unidentified flying objects. They would thus be ominis, unidentified internal mental objects. It is a human tendency, in the face of the unknown, at least one of two attitudes. For sure, there will be more. Ignoring, trying to forget, or investigating, even if an unknown field. In other words, given the availability in the infrastructures where we are born and the genetic and innate material we carry, we choose what to do with such memories. We all channel. Because we all have the channel open to the source that "finances" our state of materiality. We could even speak of God, of spirituality, of that living element within us that guides us and makes us feel complete or incomplete in our journey. Atheists are the babies who, unable to find the cause of their anguish, attribute it to the fatalistic existence of a purposeless world. Or to the adult who has lost track of his purposeful action. Where causality is also fatalistic. A fluke. A circumstance. Life experiences us, provokes us, teaches us, enables us to deal with the "unknown", with the unconscious in various ways. These are cliché phrases that argue that we are an essential body, which we have come to experience via matter. The cliché, the simplest way to explain our existence. Purpose can be known early or late, or in the course of everyday life, in a sane, quiet way or in an accidental and meandering way. Life is an immense possibility and potentiality. Not only for us humans, but for all forms of life. The veil is unveiled to those who seek to satiate and evolve. To those who remain attached to the mind that lies to us, it will be difficult to reach. We know many rational, existential, materialistic people who do not conceive of the divine as their origin. I would venture to say that perhaps the enlightening moment does not arise, or when they arrive, they find him late, they understand him on a bed, when they say goodbye to those who accompanied him, or when they say goodbye to his mortal remains. The notion of identity is thus distorted or skewed by the mind, by the rational part. We are the whole and in the whole we are one. Just like the sea that doesn't divide. We did not come to divide but to add, to share, to cross the sea and realize ourselves for the whole. We are not individual beings but in the way of arriving and living karma, for the greater purpose, which is that of universal evolution, we bring our individuality that will add, serve the whole. That is the greatest purpose. Selfishness is the negative and receptive pole of altruism. Violence is the negative and receptive pole of love. When we become aware that by being the self, we were designed to attach our experience to the societies and communities in which we exist, the sense of belonging and sharing is rediscovered in us. I, my self, my individuality, the personality that was born from me, no matter how many factors I have gone through and overcome, continues to say about us and not only about me. I am the sum of all those who have gone before me, of my ancestors, of my fellow men. Let us honour the inheritance through those we carry onto this plane. And when we understand the inheritance that is born from us, we will understand that, beyond the self, which needs a field to experiment, to improve, the evolution of the species, of the species, depends, to a great extent, on our capacity for human understanding. 

Love is the summary of our species, the engine, the greatest force. All beings conceived through it are co-creators and co-responsible for the whole, understanding that the whole is not only us, as a species, but all species that co-exist with us. It is our duty to care for and empower the harmony and balance that are born from this understanding. And there are no binomials here. Only unconditional love attends to evolution and progress. And only he finds a way to fight radicalism, dark powers and suffering. Pay attention to the way you relate to others, to the pains of others and pay attention, above all, to the conscious and loving conception of the beings that will populate this same earth, while we walk here and long after we have returned home. This will be the temporary residence of those who come to help and progress. Only in this awareness can we eliminate the sources of suffering and consider free will to be dependent on the whole. We are all one. The suffering we give to others, consciously or unconsciously, will be reflected in the whole. La Palisse. Let us wake up to the circumstantial reality that has been offered to us in order to accomplish the greater purpose. Love your equals and protect the next generations through love. The highest value we can aim for. The miracle of life. 


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