Quantum raised to divine power
The human species, they say, is about to become extinct. It has all the essentials, additional tools to make it "great". As if destruction were the direct and supplementary complement of eradicating, completing something divinely guided to happen. But God is not perplexed, nor worried about the designs of the species, especially because he gave us all, one by one, the keys to developing the experience that we came to practice for him. This experience is up to each person to perform, with more or less mastery. There were never just good students. I've always known repeaters who, in a certain way, lacked motivation or ambition, depending on the case, to achieve success in catapulting themselves into more of the same or in the virtue of reaching new levels, within which they would never be satisfied. And there were always others. There are always others. Sometimes, we are part of these others within a shapeless mass that reveals itself against the status quo, against current laws, against certain values, or in other words, against the inversion of values. And although the game is called life, many extrapolate it to "my" life, as if it were the divine apotheosis, the corollary of exaltations, the striking difference between the others. And the masses, like herds, always headed in a stampede towards where the "strongest" pushed them, within the game. Therefore, the principles or lack thereof prevail. Wasn't it always like this? Therefore, humanity learned prayer, meditation, and humbly kneeling on the ground, prepared for years, decades and centuries, appreciating the enlightened ones who, instead of taking power for themselves, distributed it, aware of the responsibility of their missions, passing on the information that prayer lacks will, improvement, discernment and cooperation. That any individual alone will not perform the miracles that humanity needs. And that we are all sparks, co-creators, and that the commitment to bear witness to the execution of consciousness associated with the virtue of experience, transmuted into wisdom, could serve as light in the vast darkness that has always existed throughout our existence. Prejudices and taboos, beliefs and religion, power games and usurpation have always been present and contemplated by God. Isn't he the referee of the game? I speak of the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent arbitration which are the words that, weighed on the quantum scale, the source, His, mean free will.
From free will, several theses develop, in accordance with the preferences of their users. This decision falls on the side where the "I myself" finds myself. It will help me choose paths, opt for experiences, find light on the paths and, although I believe in destiny, in the choices made on another plane, which, ultimately, were made in light of what is best for the evolution of the soul, we can always eradicate this plane, which many seem not to want access to, denying it, as if it were not what dictated where we came from and where we will return to. The so-called spiritual walk. We are unique and accumulate experiences from past lives, experimenting in the body that is given to us and designed as a vehicle, what we came to perform. And if perfection is recognized as something divine, we are born surrounded by perfect organisms that assimilate the sap of life, reproduce and conduct themselves through various circles, many unaware that they will be held accountable for their aborted free will, for the shortcuts made easy that, sooner or later, will translate into what we wish we had avoided, into remorse and regret, which no longer take us anywhere, except to the bottom, within our summary, instinctive, reptilian inclinations, and behold, not even then do we come close to the chimpanzee or the seal, the snake or the fox, not even the vulture (I always remember Dário from the funeral home) that was designed to eat putrefaction and get closer, one more flight, one more step of progression, in its limited form, to its function as predator in the food chain, of which we are part, by our choice, much less ennobled than the other animals.
We have to experience emptiness, let go of what we have learned socially, and find ourselves in the original self. Who are we and what are we here to learn? But speaking of limits, we are limited editions. What we distill into the atmosphere will fall into our laps at a different time, as God's time is very specific and profoundly averse to our expectations and desires. We are puppets, they say, when we reproduce the lives of those who taught us how to behave, how to be, how to desire, how to express ourselves. But what do we manifest, judging by the chaotic world full of hostilities and false glories? Who will show us the mistakes we have made through ignorance, complacency and contempt for the planet that welcomes us, for the humans and animals that recognize us and, ultimately, to whom we must give explanations for our actions and thoughts?
We will have to answer for this. We will do it. Positive opportunism is the infinite goodness of the source. Another opportunity for regeneration, to do things differently, to want better, more for the whole, another way of decentralizing the self and unbridled competition, fewer weapons, fewer fights, less war, less ambition. Align purposes, reflected in this individual, which is higher, to save the collective from the error of the matrix's involution. The word seems appealing to you, along with social networks, with the desired status, with the distorted illusions of happiness and well-being, of comfort above all else. That we are all little kings, that we all deserve our throne, both above and below, we will pay for the suffering caused to those who were born without opportunities, moreover, we will be penalized for the suffering caused, whether consciously or unconsciously. Divine justice is restored. Many people disbelieve in it, either to continue reproducing their own "justice" in the attractive and orgasmic game, or because they do not see the injustice in their lives being corrected. She comes and arrives riding a beautiful horse, at the most unexpected moment and when she arrives she will say: Checkmate.
There is no subject, creature or plant on earth, however abundant it may be, that can judge another, whether it is equal or different from itself. Not even in the church will you find a man capable of evaluating human conduct with complete impartiality.
For God, all this work. God is not subject to bribes, fraud, lies or speculation. At the right time, along the right lines, he will dismantle the lies and will be faced and judged for the many vicissitudes and masks he carries. He will reveal, without being asked, the motivations that led him to make mistakes, to the recklessness of mistreating other beings, whether human or not. Correction is done with love, but it produces effects on other levels. Crime is an attack on healthy expression. Litigation and bad faith and their due reprimand will serve as a lesson to others. We are manifestors of our reality and we will bear the consequences of our manifestations in the lives of others.
Judges and priests, teachers and police officers, architects and doctors, locksmiths and pastors, cooks and Adamastors, all will be judged and all will perish according to the acts taken. God has no favorite children. We are all responsible for our actions. Everyone except children and animals.
Keep your foot away from evil. Cultivate love for others, build empathy, transmute aggression and violence into compassion. Do good, regardless of who it is. And never fail to do so, under any pretext. Shut your mouth from the rehearsed lie. Dismantle your envy to look in the mirror. Own your shadows and don't project them onto others you don't know. Wash yourself and purify yourself with light. That is truth and love. That darkness will come and overtake you, depending on your actions. We are a divine collective, but it is individually that we will be judged by Him. The harvest has arrived and is here to stay. We will reap what he sowed.