The cosmic rounding to eclipse season
No matter what may come, i have decided to myself, deep in my heart, i will survive, no matter what. Between the 23rd or 24th degree, to me, seems wisely the last, in Piscis and also in Virgo. In Virgo, like most of my generation (1960's till 68) we have come to destroy the status quo, among others, to build new social foundations and, to substitute these standard pillars of wild neoliberalism (time is money to time is precious), to really find the wisest values which could be better adapted to the actual circunstances. With Pluto, Júpiter and Uranus in Virgo (3rd House), we all know, we must help changin' what seems anacronic and decrepit. And we can feel already eclipse season under our roofs. Under our hearts. Pressing our responsabilities and everything we seemed to grasp till now. I have consulted my oracles, i have analysed my dreams and, between my believes and inner knowledge, compassion and truth, between the ignorance and negativism, i've made my choices.
I'm a believer. I still believe in the power of love, compassion, empathy and inteligence. We have to defy ourselves, to let go, let flow, let happen what may come to an end. A season, a cycle, a roof, a storm. We cannot control the outside. Neither what we feel about what is happening around the world, but we must look inside, we must study our emotions and goals and let our old skin on the past. And we, also, can choose the actions through our thoughts.
My eldest son was made during an lunar eclipse. I've been studying for many years the planets, the transits, the aspects and i still can't understand most of them.
Piscis 24th degree
This shows living with others, sharing the same space or efforts to create a happy life. The people pictured all live together and have “Created a Great World All Their Own”. No matter how well people get along, people still have to compromise and give and take in order to sustain good community relations. Drawn together by similar hopes and ambitions it is ironic that sometimes compromise is the only way to successful coexistence. Making the most of what is available, even though it is restrictive, will help dispel any feelings of being cutoff and isolated. Who are you comfortable sharing your space with? Who would you have sharing your desert island?
Adaptability and cohabitation. Considering others. Coexistence. The need for new people to grow and flourish. Apartments. People moving in. Seeking like minds. Social intrigues.
Cutting off from others. Resentment around privacy or space. No chance to be alone. Pollution and garbage. Noise. Loneliness amongst the many. Crowding in.
Virgo 24th degree
This Symbol can show purity of motive and pure and wonderful relationships and friendships. However, it can also point to dependence or codependence where people can’t stand to be separate. Hence, relationships may need to be assessed to see how healthy they actually are. The need for constant reassurance that everything is OK can be wearing and put a strain on those involved. Keeping a sense of innocence and purity will lift you up and out of any problems. Be loving and be there for others, but don’t let things get out of hand as you could find yourself sewn at the hip with another and not able to get any free time for yourself.
Simple childlike innocence or pure escapism. Feeling stuck in a relationship. No room to move. Kindness. Friendship. Bonds between people or pets. Looking out for someone.
Avoidance of the real picture. Naiveté. Doubting motives of others. Paranoia. Stalking. Doe-eyed attraction. Jealousy through favoritism. Being the black sheep.