Alberta Vileu



Don't come to us with referendums, 
dubious quotes, with opinions 
and burlesque references 
catalog us, 
Plebiscites are dispensed with 
and frivolous judgments, 
Executioners and thoughts 
destiny rises from you 
From Our Words 
that carry wings on them 
to claim heaven, 
Don't confuse us 
in your dense dimensions, 
in your ghastly presses 
in your tongues like presses, perverse,
full of garbage and annals 
of this and that, 
Stories that weave
and comparables,
Spread your fingers apart 
pointed out that we want to fly, 
we want to go further, higher, 
How naïve and little 
We've been gone too long, 
Make way for us to be 
what we came to be, 
You will no longer be an obstacle 
whom we have come to overcome, 
Our feathers are gone 
in your sly nets, 
Our dreams have waned 
by your noisy mouths, 
we are from beyond and we go beyond, 
far below what you want, 
we are a bird that died, 
phoenix that prostrated itself 
and convalesced, 
who today does not accept prisons, 
No more vulnerabilities 
in us, no attachments, 
No secrets, no lies 
and neither physical causalities 
of those you struggle to have, 
we did not come to be a verb to fill, 
We came to fly and grow, 
We came to 
Conclave to other birds 
that they came to protect 
your children and parents, 
of the wanton lightness
with which you live in the superficial,
We don't fit in your 
narrowness of mind
we have come to be one with others, 
Of those who don't bow down 
to disloyalty, 
of those of steel in the soul, 
who carry the truth, 
without needing to be accepted, 
Erasing your corruptions 
and delights, 
We came to castrate anxiety 
and lack of truth, 
We came to provide authenticity 
and voice to those who do not sell themselves 
to the matrix with applause and festivities, 
we came to be people without varnish, 
We have come to be God's warm breath, 
in musical intervals, 
We come from the arts and sciences 
that you prejudiced judge. 
We are birds, artists, 
word jugglers, 
we are whatever we want, 
your presumptions come late 
and you who killed us are 
nothing more than the lever 
by which our flight in you 
there will be a fuss, 
We are the wind that unites 
to storms, 
escaping your ignominy, 
masks that are not ours, 
uneven artillery,
we free ourselves and 
we study your signs, 
Our flight will be an example 
For many like us,
who have lost their voices, 
We are not listed 
of your trickery schemes
of your mediocrities, 
We flew to Elisha, 
On the last train of the miracle, 
and even if it is averse 
at your will,
Our destiny is to be 
real selves,
now ashes of a fire,
dying of your 
collective illusion
A death on Appendix
Bird Phoenix
that will be reborn.


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