Alternative therapies and their predators
But after all, what are alternative medicines?
Alternative medicines refer to practices and treatments that are not part of conventional medicine. They are often used to promote health and well-being, often in conjunction with traditional medical treatments. Here are some examples and types of alternative medicines: from music to flowers, to meditation, reiki, acupuncture, herbal medicine, osteopathy, aromatherapy, and I could fill the page with words. They are immense and varied and all are based on the love that comes from within. And only then, the deal.
According to the Portuguese Reiki Association, here is the framework of this area:
Reiki is a complementary therapy, within the scope of Bio Energetic Field Therapies and Medicines, in which Reiki is inserted according to the concept of NCCAM – National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which is a US Agency, dedicated to rigorous explanation from the perspective of science, of Complementary Medicines and alternatives.
This therapy is performed through a gentle touch or at a short distance from the patient's body, following a strict code of ethics, and the "Universal Energy" (Reiki) is transmitted to the most needy areas of the person. This is a complementary therapy, that is, it works together with all Medicines and other Therapies, never invalidating or replacing any of them.
Reiki therapists are framed in CAE 86906 – Other human health activities and their Master Trainers with CAE 85591.
And also: Reiki is an alternative therapy in which the therapist places his hands on the body to channel vital energy from the universe, in order to balance the energy centers (chakras) of the body and improve physical and mental well-being.
Before performing the Reiki session, the Reiki therapist does an energetic cleansing in the environment, so that a spirit and awareness of harmony and love is ensured. During the sessions, the Reiki practitioner places his hands on the body in order to change the oscillation or vibration of the energies, bringing proven benefits such as pain relief and reduction of anxiety and stress symptoms.
The practice of Reiki is safe and does not generate any side effects and is not linked to a religion, and can be performed on people of different origins and beliefs. It can also be applied in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques, such as acupuncture, for example. I have always been open-minded, available to all forms of healing, although I consider that effective and healthy healing tools always involve love, the desire to help others (empathy) and certain herbal "medicines" and some other proven and complementary techniques. If you ask me if placebos are included, I would say yes, as long as the patient is aware of their use as a mere placebo. Valerian makes a case of that. What we deeply believe in has an incredible healing capacity. This is the energy of love associated with trust and goodwill that the therapist "passes" to the patient to be healed. That is, the therapeutic alliance and rapport. Both need to be present so that healing can follow the safe steps for wellness progress.
And if Reiki is immune to diverse beliefs, as well as to diverse religions, political parties, and constitutes in itself a source of benefits, it should be true that anyone can be a reiki therapist. And so it would be, in a perfect world. It turns out that it is not. Not everyone is qualified to be a reiki therapist, just because they have taken the 3 levels and gone through the various phases, just as not all those who complete a degree full of academic knowledge and enter the field of work, practicing theoretical knowledge in the object of their guidance are. The hands that heal are the same hands that may not be prepared for the exercise of such functions. And that bring damage to their approaches. I was thinking here that a large majority of health professionals choose guidance within this field, according to the desire for achievement in this area, out of a need to know more about and be able to help specific people or to help themselves. And from this point of view, whether in psychiatry, psychology, cardiology, oncology, and the like, it results in accredited professionals who are passionate about the practice in question, who dedicate themselves to their profession and become researchers in the area, professors who teach the subjects, etc. I know of excellent psychiatrists with severe pathologies of a psychological and psychiatric nature, excels in their profession and ethical conduct, very successful.
Reiki is an energy that is manipulated with the mind and heart and expands in the warmth of the hands, finding in the "ailments" of all those who have experienced attempts at cures through classical medicine and others, and tries a last approach, such as johrei, for example. Among Meishu-sama's followers, Johrei is considered the Divine Light emanating from God through Meishu-sama, which is transmitted by the members of the Church for the purpose of purifying the spirit by eliminating the spiritual stains that are the cause of human suffering. It is important to note that between reiki and johrei, not what distinguishes them, but what is different is the religious approach to johrei.
All these forms of help, where the exercise of healing is the ultimate objective, are based on serving the other with a friendly arm, a reliable cane, increasing comfort and well-being.
No matter in which area (whether the science of rigor or holistic complementarity) the health professional plays his instrument, music will have to be about love for the other, empathy, added value, in order to exterminate pain and/or alleviate human suffering. In the last thirty years of my life, in my personal and professional life, like everyone else, I have seen it all. And what I tell you is that love as an instrument of work only touches the heart of the other, when our own heart is healthy, there is no other way of sanity, if we are not healed of our own pains. Moreover, as in all professional areas, there are good and bad policemen, good and bad judges, good and bad lawyers, good and bad nurses, good and bad teachers, good and bad shoemakers, good and bad builders, good and bad architects, good and bad cooks.
The vast majority of people I have met physically, in academic, professional and personal paths, to whom I have done good and from whom I have received harm consider themselves therapists of something, Johreians, Reikians, florals, hypnotherapists, homeopaths or osteopaths. Be careful who you trust. Everyone can "acquire" the degrees in reiki, but not everyone is reikian. Love is the loving, redemptive energy. In the wrong hands, there is no cure, but manipulation and business. Yes, disease is a business and all its alleys are filthy. It doesn't matter which perspective you look at. The absence of love only produces uneasiness. Be holistic, open-minded, don't be a sucker. Just like love, all negative feelings are vibratory energies that are manipulated by therapists in the process. If you are not sure of the therapist's identity, after the first consultation, pause, think and feel. Your heart reveals who is trustworthy, if you know how to listen. Don't let your health be the dollar sign of his business.