First they took the blacks

But I didn't care about that

I wasn't black

Then they took some workers away

But I didn't care about that

I wasn't a blue-collar worker either

Then they arrested the wretched

But I didn't care about that

'Cause I'm not miserable

Then they grabbed some unemployed people
But how do I have my job?
I didn't care either

Now they're taking me
But it's too late.
Like I didn't care about nobody
Nobody cares about me.

Bertolt Brecht

About 3 years ago, and I always have a milestone governing time, because memory fails; At the time of the separation, after being robbed, betrayed, raped, indebted by the man I married in 2018, when I had to sell the only real estate to repair the damage to my current house and to pay off some debts he made to me, I received here at home a three-month-old puppy, whom I named Kirie. And despite being depressed, she was taken off her medication in the continuity of the heart attack to which i was suffering from the disease. A human being does not forget his friends or he would be ungrateful. My friends all have four legs. Dogs and cats. I don't recognize the term in humans, because I don't really have any friends. I decided to cloister myself from society, making as little part of it as possible. I believe that many have done so in the same circumstances and there have always been reasons to give a platform to it. 
I sensed impulses of aggressiveness in this dog, and by the will of my Tomás who loves animals, we resorted to the kennel of Penafiel several times, in fact, to be more specific, three. All three times, we were denied help. They couldn't keep the dog and they had no way to help. For this reason, I went to a private clinic, the one in Oldrões that treated my cats, to request their services at home, so that the chip could be placed, sterilization and the necessary vaccines applied. The veterinarian came to the home and "was unable" to apply any of the required services. He was afraid of the dog and this was three years ago. The response from the clinic, in the form of the veterinarian, was as follows: I promise I will help you. I'm going to contact a veterinarian friend of mine, from Valongo, who is the only one I know to anesthetize the dog and I'll give him news. He never did, as can be seen in the aftermath. About a year ago, this 21st of July will be one year ago, according to the police records, contained in the letter from this Institution, two police officers and the veterinarian of the Penafiel Kennel knocked on my door, telling me that they had received a complaint from the neighborhood in which my animals were malnourished, and that they would have to investigate this. They confirmed that they were not malnourished, and at that time, I renewed the request for help, which I had made many times before. The dog is aggressive, needs basic care and apparently, there is no veterinarian available who can provide such care. They told me that there was nothing they could do because the dog had not yet attacked anyone and that I should try to resolve the issue, or I would receive a fine after a year. The fine comes from the ICNF institution. The letter arrived the day before yesterday. Yesterday I sent an email asking this institution for the data and reference to pay the said fine or administrative offense where they refer to me with arguida. The fine is €101, but it can go up to €3640. In the email sent to ANA LUCAS, I ask again for help in this matter. 

About a month ago, well before receiving this letter, I contacted the services of the Calvet Clinic in Oldrões again to do the same, since I had already asked the Animarco Association to support me in this regard and I was told that no way, they had no way to help me in this process, even if I took the animal to their facilities. At the clinic I tried to explain the problem that had been going on for three years with regard to this dog. After my insistence, they agreed to schedule the sterilization and promised to give him the vaccines as well as the placement of the chip. The said clinic prescribed a medication - GABENTINE 400mg, to start applying to the dog in the morning meal, one capsule a day from Sunday until Wednesday, June 19th, On the 20th, the day of the surgery, when they would pick her up for the said interventions, she would apply two capsules of this Gabentine. The dog bit my son on the 19th when he tried to put a leash on her. He bit both of Tom's hands. I called the nurse who didn't answer. On the 2nd, the date they came to pick up Kirie, the nurse called me to say that he was late for the surgery scheduled for 10:45 am. Shortly after, the nurse arrived with an assistant and they tried to figure out if she would enter the cage without the need for other means to control her. Kirie didn't take anyone wrong, but when the nurse tried to show her the chain and leash, she ran her teeth through his hand, warning him. Not only did Gabentina not work, but it may well have contributed to her biting my son the day before. The nurse, finding himself unable to solve the issue on his own, called for help from the veterinarian who was the same one I received three years ago and who had promised me help with that veterinarian friend from Valongo. I told him that, that I was still waiting for the help of three years ago. The veterinarian then told me that she tried to help me, even though she had never contacted me, because she had contacted, not her colleague veterinarian from Valongo, but the veterinarian from the Penafiel Kennel. And he added that both the agents and the veterinarian suggested that I take the dog and that I refused. And I emphasize again, not only did they not believe my request, but they also added that they could do nothing because the dog had not attacked anyone YET. Before the clinic's veterinarian, in the figure of her director left my property on the 20th, the date of Kirie's sterilization appointment, when I insisted on resolving the issue, and when I said that I didn't understand how the veterinarians had no way to solve the issue, she just said to me:  I'm not a beast tamer! And he left the place, along with his employees, assuring me, once again, that he would not forget the problem and that he would try to help me. Help was not long in coming. He gave my telephone number to a gentleman who is not a veterinarian, but who after all uses darts and pistols and is a friend of street animal associations, and who is said to be against euthanasia of animals, except in specific cases. None of them gave me a solution to this problem. After all, there's more to all this. They can't help, they can only be helped. Corruption is taking hold in all quarters. What a sad sick society we live in! This post is meant to be part of my memories, but not just that. That there is someone aware and enlightened, perhaps an expert in animal behaviors who is willing to come and help in this matter, before there is a death perpetrated by Kirie and they liquidate her and put me in jail. It is said that the beams are only placed on the door after the robbery. Memory suffers from constant attacks and blackouts. I would appreciate it if there were human beings on this side who could somehow help me to solve the issue of this never-ending dossier called Kirie. So many veterinary associations and clinics, so many animal friends, even political parties in favor of animals, but infrastructures and means that support and guarantee safety for adopters do not. And every day I am less surprised by so many abandoned animals. If we do not get someone to support us and to regulate this type of bond, there is no desire to adopt.


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